Saturday, September 03, 2005


I know it had been forever since I have posted and now I'm going to try and keep up. But I guess it's a good thing that I haven't been on because that means I have been using my time more wisely then sitting on the computer blogging all day I guess. I actually do my homework this year and go to class... I know it would suprise you all that I usually don't do that kind of thing, but I do this year. And I'm having a blast in my classes actually...except Music Appreciation because it is not in the least bit cool. I play the violin, so sitting and learning what a scale is bores me out of my mind. Oh well, it's required. Black and White Photography is going to be the best class ever. I love taking pictures and developing the film in the dark room. It's so cool to see a piece of paper with NOTHING on it turn into a picture...sometimes with tons of detail and color. I think's it's pretty cool. Then Typography is going to be boring but at least I'll be doing stuff I love. It's basically just a graphic design class...right up my alley, and my teacher is the greatest. She knows that it's a boring class doing easy stuff so we just hang out the whole class period annnnnd she helped me with our business. I learned of this very cool room at Bradley called the PRINTING ROOM where I can take all of Taryn and I's business stuff to be printed. Fun! ANNNDDD my teacher kind of got me an internship which was so a Godthing because I was kind of looking for something to do on campus but I wasn't looking very hard because while i'm on campus I'm always so busy. This teacher, while I was in the printing room with her, and I talked for awhile, then when I showed up in class that day she was like... I think you should go to Pam...a lady in the art building...and get this internship. soo cool because I was looking but not that hard and this kind of just fell into place. So I went over to Pam and she was so excited because I guess she was kind of getting desperate for someone because she couldnt' find anyone. So it was perfect. I'm excited.
Back to my classes... then I have History of Photography, boring but interesting, Life Drawing...AHHH I DRAW NAKED PEOPLE...NOT FUN. But I definately won't get into that because I could talk about it for hours. And finally orchestra. I love orchestra because I love playing my violin. It's so fun for us all to sit down and just play a gorgeous symphony. Right now we are playing Mozart and I like Mozart so it's fun. And my stand partner is pretty cool, so we sit and talk the whole time.

Time... I need more time I've decided. I just don't have time to do something that I really like to do. Like this year I would like to go to Worship@fullvolume because it's such an AWESOME (and look Taryn I used awesome right) experience. I love praising God with all these people on campus who are like me. I think it gets hard sometimes at a college campus ecspecially when you don't have many friends there, and the ones you do have drink a lot and live a life not like me. Because I look around and feel like I'm the only one there who is different and who doesn't live a lifestyle like I do. And it makes you feel really different. But when you go to things like worship@fullvolume, I remember...oh yeah there are other christians on campus and I'm not alone in this on campus. I can make friends who are like me. And speaking of that I have. It's so cool how God works at school sometimes because I was really worried about who I was going to be with at school and last year there was this other photography major and she is a christian. I was hoping I would see her a lot because she's so fun to be with. I got to all my classes and she is in all but like one or two...which is amazing how that worked out because these classes are offered a couple times. So wow another Godthing.

Ok, I think I have wrote enough for today. And, Luke, it was within the three day time slot you gave me to post... so I am still officially a blogger aren't I?

And I need to make an addition to my last post... Scott ate potato soup with Taryn and I at Ashley's.


Friday, September 02, 2005

Night at the T House

So, I'm sitting here with Katelyn Thames and Taryn Kaiser and Tricia Plattner, and Emily Obergfel is laying on the floor, and it is most definitely two fourteen in the morning. I have to get up in five hours...

Here's what we did tonight...

1. Taryn and I ate potato soup and chicken croissants at Ashley Keifer and Kelsey Zehr's place.
2. Went to ISU bible study
3. Sang under the viaduct
4. Waited in the car and listened to music and told Taryn an embarassing story and she laughed
5. Came back to the T house and made treatza pizzas thanks to Katelyn's ingredients (these are not bagels with sausages on them according to what Tricia thinks
6. Decided to go rollerblading at midnight, but it never happened
7. Video taped stories..actually video taped Tracy Zimmerman telling a lot of stories and us laughing... a lot
8. Hung quote post its on the wall
9. Katelyn got asked to go to a strip club by a drunk guy AND she got invited to a root beer kegger all in the same night
10. I took a shower.
11. Emily fell asleep on the floor at 2:20 in the morning
12. Tricia decided to remove her toe nail polish at 2:20 but couldn't find the toe nail polish remover but didn't
13. Taryn ran around crazily throughout the whole Crossings parking lot... haha just kidding but wouldn't it be funny if she did? I'm sure she would if someone paid her... oh wait, Tricia just offered to pay. There she goes...... she's so crazy..... haha just kidding again, but it would still be funny.
14. Taryn freaking out about the crazy comment
15. So basically, we never stopped laughing all night

KRISTI, TARYN, TRICIA, KATELYN, (and kind of Emily because she's asleep on the floor)

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