Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas Break

Things I want to do over Christmas Break... Because today, it is officially Break!!! No more finals.

1. Make caramels for all my family. (like grandparents and stuff)
2. Bake lots of cookies.
3. Work out at least three times a week.
4. Make a movie of my summer with my family, and my cousins.
5. Have lots of fun with Taryn, because I know we will.
6. Go shopping in Chicago once.
7. Hang out with old friends from high school that I haven't seen since we graduated.
8. Have lots of fun with Taryn.
9. Work a lot at Texas Roadhouse and make lots of money so when school starts up I don't need to work as much.
10. Watch tons of I love Lucy episodes, cause I own the DVD set.
11. Keep up with my blog.
12. Make snowmen.
13. Make snow angels.
14. Have a snowball fight.
15. Actually do anything in the snow, cause snow is fun.
16. Have lots of fun with Taryn. Oh wait have I said that?
17. Clean my room realllly reallllly well.
18. Get everything in my room, bathroom, car, everything i own basically, organized.
19. Attend abs class every Monday and Wednesday...if anyone is up for it let me know.
20. Give thanks to the Lord. Around the holidays it's easy to forget the "reason for the season." The reason I have Christmas Break is because of Him and His birth, and I need to remember to keep Him, the main focus in my life.

Well, there's 20 things. I'll try to do all of them. :)
Bye all!

I will do the abs class with you. I got a trial membership at Gold's a couple years ago but maybe they'll give me another one over break. That abs class is a killer, I did it w/my sister. It's good, though.

Also, we will have to have all of our fun BEFORE I GO TO FLORIDA! YAY!!!

I'm going to call you right now so you can come keep me company while I clean.

Peace out. T
Sweet list. I hope you and Taryn have a ton of fun and get buff abs.
wow, im glad that u are gonna be with me over break. if u dont have time for me thats fine, i didnt need to make the list. have fun with taryn and all ur other stuff, i guess i will see u in january, if u remember me then???
Yeah Kristi... remind me again, who are you dating, me or Jared?
Yeah Kristi, who are you dating?

Are you feeling threatened yet? :)
Ok people. This was a list of "things" I want to do, not "people" I want to be with. Taryn reads my blog and i thought it would be funny if I put hang out with Taryn three or four times. It was a joke. I am dating Mr. Jared Zobrist and I love him tons and tons and tons and he knows that. And Taryn knows that. Jared, there is no reason to be jealous of Taryn. I love her but I love you too lots. Ok, now that that's cleared up...
its not cleared up b/c i read your blog, and u at least mention my name somewhere, i dont care if its at the bottom. im not jealous of taryn, im just wondering if u always just "forget" to put my name in here???
is anybody else sensing some tension!?!?!?!??!?! YIKES ;-)
I'm glad that I have my security in Christ. So even though I didn't "make the list". I'm ok with that.



*bwahhwwaaa whaaa whaaa*

^(that's me crying...I didn't really know how to write that part)
Kristi, I think you need to work on number 11, aye?
Yep, definitely slacking on number 11. Come on Kristi.
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