Sunday, November 13, 2005

Funny quote

So these are kind of like, "I guess you had to be there to think it's funny" quotes. Oh well. Maybe you'll laugh.

"That's so silly"

*No one over the age of ten says that.

Taryn- Could you see me with a Chinese man?
Kristi- No, but my cousin married a Chinese guy.
Instant laughter.

I have no clue why either of these are funny. But Taryn and I are bizarre like that and they are funny in our world.

OK, you completely screwed up the first quote. It's not, "That's so silly" but it is


Remember? Like Larry the Cucumber?

Oh, well. I guess I can't ask for perfection, especially with you, Kristi.

Ok, also... today in my 3D Art class (which I'm so upset I even went because it was a waste of time and all I did was sit there for an hour and a half and stared at my blank sketchbook, trying to come up with an idea for this stupid mechanical assignment, but do you think I know ANYTHING about mechanics? No. So I still have zero good ideas and I should have just slept in until 10 because I'm sitting here really tired right now) there were these 2 girls saying, "Phenomenon. Do do do, do do do, Phenomenon."

And I'm like, "WHERE have I heard that?"

You and Whitney Braker on the boat. You were singing it. Isn't it from the Muppets?

Made me laugh. T
Yes, it is from the Muppets. And it is not phenomenon... it is do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do... i lost count... but something like that.

Yes, Whitney and I were singing it because it is the greatest. I should bring it Thursday and we could watch it. :)
what does that mean?
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