Thursday, September 08, 2005


Taryn is forcing me to post...just so you all know. I am tired and dont' really want to but she's making me.

So, what to post about. Nothing new and different is really going on in my life. With Jared gone, I have a lot of free time on my hands that I don't know what to do with, ecspecially since Taryn is going to Purdue this weekend, who knows what I'll do with my weekend. I never realized how much time I actually spend with Jared. We do everything together, clean our rooms, study, run errands. I really miss not having him here, because my favorite times with him are our random times, like when we are doing the dishes or something weird like that. I'm so thankful that God put him in my life and gave us our time together. Thinking back, there is no reason at all the two of us should be together because we really didn't like each other at the beginning, but I'm so glad that I just followed God's plan and here I am. I said I would never date a I am, I said I would never have a long distance I am, and I could probably go on and on with the lists of here I ams. But I won't. I find myself worrying like crazy and I need to stop that. Because I know God is in control and I have no reason to worry because he has a plan. It's just hard sometimes not to worry. But I really am working on it and everytime I find myself worrying, I pray for all the firefighters there and all their families and it makes me feel so much better because it reminds me God is with them right now in control.

On to something else...

I love Thursdays. I love them. I love being with people. I love all the speakers that come in and all their messages are so powerful. They have all done an awesome job this year. I love singing in the viaduct. I love going to T's apartment and eating eating eating tons. We went to Steak n Shake tonight and had fun. Good times had by all.

I liked you post! See.... aren't you glad you did it? Just admit it, you are.

That's a cool idea to pray whenever you start to worry. It demonstrates taking our worries and giving them to God (1 Peter 5:7)!... and not only that, but you're shifting your focus from a time-waster to a completely powerful use of your time, prayer for others!

I love ISU BS, too. It's pretty much the highlight of my week cuz it's when EVERYONE comes, and I get to be highly social. And you come and bring me food or buy it for me. I owe you 2 strawberry short cakes.

Well... even though I made fun of you for it, have a great time at the Congerville Fun Fest serving punch and water, and try not to worry about Jared... like you said, God's taking care of him.

Love ya, T
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Ha ha ha... you don't know who this is.
I've always wanted to post anonymously.
Dear Kristi,
I wish I was your chin rest.

-your secret lover
wow...when i don't spend the night with you on Thursdays, this is what happens...
thanks for posting Kristi! :)
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