Monday, September 05, 2005

My firefighter...

My firefighter left me. Yesterday afternoon Jared thought he had a fire call and it ended up being a call that was maybe going to dispatch Woodford County firefighters down to New Orleans. Jared was kind of excited because he kind of wanted to go but we thought that this dispatch was going to happen in the next couple weeks...we were wrong. All day he and I helped with our church's hurricane project... for that project. We got home at like eight o clock and we were helping my dad out with some finishing touches on the project for the day... I was typing in my computer figures and dad was calling people while Jared sat and kept me company. Next thing we know I was crying all night. Jared got a call and I think it was his dad saying he was heading down to New Orleans in the morning and the crew was full so Jared couldn't go. Jared came back in and was really disappointed and I knew he really wanted to go. Five minutes later as Jared was on the phone talking to someone, his mom called our house and I answered. She said she really needed to talk to Jared because there was a spot to go, and my heart just sunk. I handed the phone to Jared and the next thing I knew he was going to New Orleans for 2 maybe 3 weeks with driving time. We sat and said goodbye for like a half hour and then he was gone. I bawled and bawled and baweled because at this point I had no clue what he was going to do, how long he was going to be gone and if he would even have phone service. A half hour later he was back to say goodbye because the first time we just didn't talk enough and see each other enough. He told me how excited yet nervous he was, then we said our goodbyes again. This time he said bye to my parents and we had awhile to say bye. And then again... he was gone. So here I am a fit worrying about him and praying for him down there and bawling every second that I think about him down there. I talked to him a few times today and he was just riding on fire trucks down there. I found out they were staying in a tent city set up and that rumor was that Nextels had service. So I guess all I can do is wait and see. I know he's doing what he loves...being a firefighter and saving peoples lives...they need him down there more then I need him I guess, so all I can do is entrust that God is using him to his full abilities and helping people. And of course this will be an experience of a lifetime for Jared, I'm sure he'll love it and I'll hear about this trip forever. I'll keep you updated and please just pray...


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Well, you know that I'm excited for Jared. Even though you will miss him and it's kind of scary that he's going to be down there in that chaos... what an OPPORTUNITY! We'll be praying for him. I wish I could go down and help.

Also, I'm excited to be Jared's stand-in for these next couple of weeks. Although, I thought playing the role of "friend" was duty enough, but friend AND boyfriend? Do I get paid extra for that?

aaawww.. that's so awesome that he gets to do somethign he loves so much and help so many people... i know you will miss him my dear. but i love you and God will be watching over both of you! you will BOTH be in my prayers!!
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